
Monday, November 9, 2020

Alt Codes for Arrows

ArrowNameWindows ShortcutMac Shortcut
Rightwards ArrowAlt + 8594Option + 2192
Rightwards Double ArrowAlt + 8658Option + 21D2
Long Rightwards Double ArrowAlt + 10233Option + 27F9
Rightwards White ArrowAlt + 8680Option + 21E8
Rightwards Open-Headed ArrowAlt + 8702Option + 21FE
Open Outlined Rightwards ArrowAlt + 10174Option + 27BE
Rightwards Dashed ArrowAlt + 8674Option + 21E2
Heavy Wide Headed Rightwards ArrowAlt + 10132Option + 2794
Heavy Round-Tipped Rightwards ArrowAlt + 10140Option + 279C
Heavy Rightwards ArrowAlt + 10137Option + 2799
Drafting Point Rightwards ArrowAlt + 10139Option + 279B
Triangle-Headed Rightwards ArrowAlt + 10141Option + 279D
Heavy Triangle-Headed Rightwards ArrowAlt + 10142Option + 279E
Dashed Triangle-Headed Rightwards ArrowAlt + 10143Option + 279F
Heavy Dashed Triangle-Headed Rightwards ArrowAlt + 10144Option + 27A0
Three-D Top-Lighted Rightwards ArrowheadAlt + 10146Option + 27A2
Three-D Bottom-Lighted Rightwards ArrowheadAlt + 10147Option + 27A3
Black Rightwards ArrowheadAlt + 10148Option + 27A4
Heavy Black Curved Downwards And Rightwards ArrowAlt + 10149Option + 27A5
Heavy Black Curved Upwards And Rightwards ArrowAlt + 10150Option + 27A6
Squat Black Rightwards ArrowAlt + 10151Option + 27A7
Heavy Concave-Pointed Black Rightwards ArrowAlt + 10152Option + 27A8
Rightwards Harpoon With Barb Up Above Rightwards Harpoon With Barb DownAlt + 10596Option + 2964
Rightwards Harpoon With Barb UpwardsAlt + 8640Option + 21C0
Rightwards Harpoon With Barb DownwardsAlt + 8641Option + 21C1
Rightwards Harpoon With Barb Up From BarAlt + 10587Option + 295B
Rightwards Harpoon With Barb Down From BarAlt + 10591Option + 295F
Rightwards White Arrow From WallAlt + 8688Option + 21F0
Right-Shaded White Rightwards ArrowAlt + 10153Option + 27A9
Left-Shaded White Rightwards ArrowAlt + 10154Option + 27AA
Back-Tilted Shadowed White Rightwards ArrowAlt + 10155Option + 27AB
Front-Tilted Shadowed White Rightwards ArrowAlt + 10156Option + 27AC
Heavy Lower Right-Shadowed White Rightwards ArrowAlt + 10157Option + 27AD
Heavy Upper Right-Shadowed White Rightwards ArrowAlt + 10158Option + 27AE
Notched Lower Right-Shadowed White Rightwards ArrowAlt + 10159Option + 27AF
Notched Upper Right-Shadowed White Rightwards ArrowAlt + 10161Option + 27B1
Circled Heavy White Rightwards ArrowAlt + 10162Option + 27B2
White-Feathered Rightwards ArrowAlt + 10163Option + 27B3
Black-Feathered Rightwards ArrowAlt + 10165Option + 27B5
Heavy Black-Feathered Rightwards ArrowAlt + 10168Option + 27B8
Heavy Teardrop-Shanked Rightwards ArrowAlt + 10171Option + 27BB
Teardrop-Barbed Rightwards ArrowAlt + 10170Option + 27BA
Wedge-Tailed Rightwards ArrowAlt + 10172Option + 27BC
Heavy Wedge-Tailed Rightwards ArrowAlt + 10173Option + 27BD
Long Rightwards ArrowAlt + 10230Option + 27F6
Rightwards Paired ArrowsAlt + 8649Option + 21C9
Three Rightwards ArrowsAlt + 8694Option + 21F6
Rightwards Triple ArrowAlt + 8667Option + 21DB
Rightwards Double Arrow With StrokeAlt + 8655Option + 21CF
Rightwards Double Arrow With Vertical StrokeAlt + 10499Option + 2903
Rightwards Arrow With StrokeAlt + 8603Option + 219B
Rightwards Wave ArrowAlt + 8605Option + 219D
Wave Arrow Pointing Directly RightAlt + 10547Option + 2933
Rightwards Arrow With TailAlt + 8611Option + 21A3
Rightwards Two Headed ArrowAlt + 8608Option + 21A0
Rightwards Arrow From BarAlt + 8614Option + 21A6
Long Rightwards Arrow From BarAlt + 10236Option + 27FC
Rightwards Two-Headed Arrow From BarAlt + 10501Option + 2905
Rightwards Double Arrow From BarAlt + 10503Option + 2907
Long Rightwards Double Arrow From BarAlt + 10238Option + 27FE
Rightwards Arrow To BarAlt + 8677Option + 21E5
Rightwards Harpoon With Barb Up To BarAlt + 10579Option + 2953
Rightwards Harpoon With Barb Down To BarAlt + 10583Option + 2957
Rightwards Squiggle ArrowAlt + 8669Option + 21DD
Long Rightwards Squiggle ArrowAlt + 10239Option + 27FF
Rightwards Arrow With LoopAlt + 8620Option + 21AC
Right Arrow With Small CircleAlt + 8692Option + 21F4
Rightwards Arrow With Vertical StrokeAlt + 8696Option + 21F8
Rightwards Arrow With Double Vertical StrokeAlt + 8699Option + 21FB
Rightwards Two-Headed Arrow With Vertical StrokeAlt + 10496Option + 2900
Rightwards Two-Headed Arrow With Double Vertical StrokeAlt + 10497Option + 2901
Rightwards Double Dash ArrowAlt + 10509Option + 290D
Rightwards Triple Dash ArrowAlt + 10511Option + 290F
Rightwards Two-Headed Triple Dash ArrowAlt + 10512Option + 2910
Rightwards Arrow With Dotted StemAlt + 10513Option + 2911
Rightwards Arrow With Tail With Vertical StrokeAlt + 10516Option + 2914
Rightwards Arrow With Tail With Double Vertical StrokeAlt + 10517Option + 2915
Rightwards Two-Headed Arrow With TailAlt + 10518Option + 2916
Rightwards Two-Headed Arrow With Tail With Vertical StrokeAlt + 10519Option + 2917
Rightwards Two-Headed Arrow With Tail With Double Vertical StrokeAlt + 10520Option + 2918
Leftwards Arrow-TailAlt + 10521Option + 2919
Leftwards Double Arrow-TailAlt + 10523Option + 291B
Rightwards Arrow To Black DiamondAlt + 10526Option + 291E
Rightwards Arrow From Bar To Black DiamondAlt + 10528Option + 2920
Bottom Arc Anticlockwise ArrowAlt + 10555Option + 293B
Top Arc Clockwise Arrow With MinusAlt + 10556Option + 293C
Rightwards Arrow With Plus BelowAlt + 10565Option + 2945
Rightwards Arrow Above Tilde OperatorAlt + 10612Option + 2974
Rightwards Arrow Above Almost Equal ToAlt + 10613Option + 2975
Equals Sign Above Rightwards ArrowAlt + 10609Option + 2971
Tilde Operator Above Rightwards ArrowAlt + 10610Option + 2972
Rightwards Arrow Through XAlt + 10567Option + 2947
Left Right Arrow Through Small CircleAlt + 10568Option + 2948
Rightwards Harpoon With Barb Up Above Long DashAlt + 10604Option + 296C
Rightwards Harpoon With Barb Down Below Long DashAlt + 10605Option + 296D
Leftwards ArrowAlt + 8592Option + 2190
Leftwards Double ArrowAlt + 8656Option + 21D0
Long Leftwards Double ArrowAlt + 10232Option + 27F8
Leftwards White ArrowAlt + 8678Option + 21E6
Leftwards Open-Headed ArrowAlt + 8701Option + 21FD
Leftwards Dashed ArrowAlt + 8672Option + 21E0
Leftwards Harpoon With Barb Up Above Leftwards Harpoon With Barb DownAlt + 10594Option + 2962
Long Leftwards ArrowAlt + 10229Option + 27F5
Leftwards Harpoon With Barb UpwardsAlt + 8636Option + 21BC
Leftwards Harpoon With Barb DownwardsAlt + 8637Option + 21BD
Leftwards Harpoon With Barb Up From BarAlt + 10586Option + 295A
Leftwards Arrow With StrokeAlt + 8602Option + 219A
Leftwards Wave ArrowAlt + 8604Option + 219C
Leftwards Arrow With TailAlt + 8610Option + 21A2
Leftwards Two Headed ArrowAlt + 8606Option + 219E
Leftwards Arrow From BarAlt + 8612Option + 21A4
Long Leftwards Arrow From BarAlt + 10235Option + 27FB
Leftwards Double Arrow From BarAlt + 10502Option + 2906
Long Leftwards Double Arrow From BarAlt + 10237Option + 27FD
Leftwards Paired ArrowsAlt + 8647Option + 21C7
Leftwards Arrow To BarAlt + 8676Option + 21E4
Leftwards Harpoon With Barb Up To BarAlt + 10578Option + 2952
Leftwards Harpoon With Barb Down To BarAlt + 10582Option + 2956
Leftwards Harpoon With Barb Down From BarAlt + 10590Option + 295E
Leftwards Triple ArrowAlt + 8666Option + 21DA
Leftwards Double Arrow With StrokeAlt + 8653Option + 21CD
Leftwards Double Arrow With Vertical StrokeAlt + 10498Option + 2902
Leftwards Squiggle ArrowAlt + 8668Option + 21DC
Leftwards Arrow With LoopAlt + 8619Option + 21AB
Leftwards Arrow With Vertical StrokeAlt + 8695Option + 21F7
Leftwards Arrow With Double Vertical StrokeAlt + 8698Option + 21FA
Leftwards Double Dash ArrowAlt + 10508Option + 290C
Leftwards Triple Dash ArrowAlt + 10510Option + 290E
Rightwards Arrow-TailAlt + 10522Option + 291A
Rightwards Double Arrow-TailAlt + 10524Option + 291C
Leftwards Arrow To Black DiamondAlt + 10525Option + 291D
Leftwards Arrow From Bar To Black DiamondAlt + 10527Option + 291F
Top Arc Anticlockwise ArrowAlt + 10554Option + 293A
Top Arc Anticlockwise Arrow With PlusAlt + 10557Option + 293D
Leftwards Arrow With Plus BelowAlt + 10566Option + 2946
Leftwards Arrow Above Tilde OperatorAlt + 10611Option + 2973
Leftwards Harpoon With Barb Up Above Long DashAlt + 10602Option + 296A
Leftwards Harpoon With Barb Down Below Long DashAlt + 10603Option + 296B
Upwards ArrowAlt + 8593Option + 2191
Upwards Double ArrowAlt + 8657Option + 21D1
Upwards Dashed ArrowAlt + 8673Option + 21E1
Upwards White ArrowAlt + 8679Option + 21E7
Upwards White Arrow From BarAlt + 8682Option + 21EA
Upwards Harpoon With Barb Left Beside Upwards Harpoon With Barb RightAlt + 10595Option + 2963
Upwards Two Headed ArrowAlt + 8607Option + 219F
Upwards Harpoon With Barb RightwardsAlt + 8638Option + 21BE
Upwards Harpoon With Barb LeftwardsAlt + 8639Option + 21BF
Upwards Harpoon With Barb Right To BarAlt + 10580Option + 2954
Upwards Harpoon With Barb Left To BarAlt + 10584Option + 2958
Upwards Harpoon With Barb Right From BarAlt + 10588Option + 295C
Upwards Harpoon With Barb Left From BarAlt + 10592Option + 2960
Upwards Quadruple ArrowAlt + 10224Option + 27F0
Upwards Triple ArrowAlt + 10506Option + 290A
Upwards Arrow From BarAlt + 8613Option + 21A5
Upwards White Arrow On PedestalAlt + 8683Option + 21EB
Upwards White Arrow On Pedestal With Horizontal BarAlt + 8684Option + 21EC
Upwards White Arrow On Pedestal With Vertical BarAlt + 8685Option + 21ED
Upwards White Double ArrowAlt + 8686Option + 21EE
Upwards White Double Arrow On PedestalAlt + 8687Option + 21EF
Upwards Paired ArrowsAlt + 8648Option + 21C8
Upwards Arrow With Horizontal StrokeAlt + 10505Option + 2909
Upwards Arrow With Double StrokeAlt + 8670Option + 21DE
Upwards Arrow To BarAlt + 10514Option + 2912
Upwards Two-Headed Arrow From Small CircleAlt + 10569Option + 2949
Downwards ArrowAlt + 8595Option + 2193
Downwards Double ArrowAlt + 8659Option + 21D3
Downwards White ArrowAlt + 8681Option + 21E9
Downwards Dashed ArrowAlt + 8675Option + 21E3
Downwards Harpoon With Barb Left Beside Downwards Harpoon With Barb RightAlt + 10597Option + 2965
Downwards Two Headed ArrowAlt + 8609Option + 21A1
Downwards Harpoon With Barb RightwardsAlt + 8642Option + 21C2
Downwards Harpoon With Barb LeftwardsAlt + 8643Option + 21C3
Downwards Harpoon With Barb Right From BarAlt + 10589Option + 295D
Downwards Harpoon With Barb Left From BarAlt + 10593Option + 2961
Downwards Paired ArrowsAlt + 8650Option + 21CA
Downwards Quadruple ArrowAlt + 10225Option + 27F1
Downwards Triple ArrowAlt + 10507Option + 290B
Downwards Arrow From BarAlt + 8615Option + 21A7
Downwards Harpoon With Barb Right To BarAlt + 10581Option + 2955
Downwards Harpoon With Barb Left To BarAlt + 10585Option + 2959
Downwards Zigzag ArrowAlt + 8623Option + 21AF
Downwards Arrow With Horizontal StrokeAlt + 10504Option + 2908
Downwards Arrow With Double StrokeAlt + 8671Option + 21DF
Downwards Arrow To BarAlt + 10515Option + 2913
Left Right Double ArrowAlt + 8660Option + 21D4
Long Left Right Double ArrowAlt + 10234Option + 27FA
Left Right White ArrowAlt + 11012Option + 2B04
Left Right Open-Headed ArrowAlt + 8703Option + 21FF
Left Right Black ArrowAlt + 11020Option + 2B0C
Long Left Right ArrowAlt + 10231Option + 27F7
Left Barb Up Right Barb Down HarpoonAlt + 10570Option + 294A
Left Barb Down Right Barb Up HarpoonAlt + 10571Option + 294B
Left Barb Up Right Barb Up HarpoonAlt + 10574Option + 294E
Left Barb Down Right Barb Down HarpoonAlt + 10576Option + 2950
Leftwards Harpoon With Barb Up Above Rightwards Harpoon With Barb UpAlt + 10598Option + 2966
Leftwards Harpoon With Barb Down Above Rightwards Harpoon With Barb DownAlt + 10599Option + 2967
Rightwards Harpoon With Barb Up Above Leftwards Harpoon With Barb UpAlt + 10600Option + 2968
Rightwards Harpoon With Barb Down Above Leftwards Harpoon With Barb DownAlt + 10601Option + 2969
Leftwards Harpoon With Barb Up Above Long DashAlt + 10602Option + 296A
Leftwards Harpoon With Barb Down Below Long DashAlt + 10603Option + 296B
Rightwards Harpoon With Barb Up Above Long DashAlt + 10604Option + 296C
Rightwards Harpoon With Barb Down Below Long DashAlt + 10605Option + 296D
Leftwards Harpoon Over Rightwards HarpoonAlt + 8651Option + 21CB
Rightwards Harpoon Over Leftwards HarpoonAlt + 8652Option + 21CC
Rightwards Arrow Over Leftwards ArrowAlt + 8644Option + 21C4
Leftwards Arrow Over Rightwards ArrowAlt + 8646Option + 21C6
Leftwards Arrow To Bar Over Rightwards Arrow To BarAlt + 8633Option + 21B9
Left Right Double Arrow With StrokeAlt + 8654Option + 21CE
Left Right Double Arrow With Vertical StrokeAlt + 10500Option + 2904
Left Right Wave ArrowAlt + 8621Option + 21AD
Left Right Arrow With StrokeAlt + 8622Option + 21AE
Left Right Arrow With Vertical StrokeAlt + 8697Option + 21F9
Left Right Arrow With Double Vertical StrokeAlt + 8700Option + 21FC
Rightwards Arrow Above Short Leftwards ArrowAlt + 10562Option + 2942
Leftwards Arrow Above Short Rightwards ArrowAlt + 10563Option + 2943
Short Rightwards Arrow Above Leftwards ArrowAlt + 10564Option + 2944
Up Down Double ArrowAlt + 8661Option + 21D5
Up Down White ArrowAlt + 8691Option + 21F3
Up Down Black ArrowAlt + 11021Option + 2B0D
Up Barb Right Down Barb Left HarpoonAlt + 10572Option + 294C
Up Barb Left Down Barb Right HarpoonAlt + 10573Option + 294D
Up Barb Right Down Barb Right HarpoonAlt + 10575Option + 294F
Up Barb Left Down Barb Left HarpoonAlt + 10577Option + 2951
Upwards Harpoon With Barb Left Beside Downwards Harpoon With Barb RightAlt + 10606Option + 296E
Downwards Harpoon With Barb Left Beside Upwards Harpoon With Barb RightAlt + 10607Option + 296F
Upwards Arrow Leftwards Of Downwards ArrowAlt + 8645Option + 21C5
Up Down Arrow With BaseAlt + 8616Option + 21A8
Downwards Arrow Leftwards Of Upwards ArrowAlt + 8693Option + 21F5
Heavy South East ArrowAlt + 10136Option + 2798
South East Double ArrowAlt + 8664Option + 21D8
South East White ArrowAlt + 11010Option + 2B02
South East Black ArrowAlt + 11018Option + 2B0A
South East Arrow To CornerAlt + 8690Option + 21F2
Heavy Black-Feathered South East ArrowAlt + 10167Option + 27B7
Black-Feathered South East ArrowAlt + 10164Option + 27B4
South East Arrow With HookAlt + 10533Option + 2925
Arrow Pointing Downwards Then Curving RightwardsAlt + 10551Option + 2937
Heavy North East ArrowAlt + 10138Option + 279A
North East Double ArrowAlt + 8663Option + 21D7
North East White ArrowAlt + 11008Option + 2B00
North East Black ArrowAlt + 11016Option + 2B08
Heavy Black-Feathered North East ArrowAlt + 10169Option + 27B9
Black-Feathered North East ArrowAlt + 10166Option + 27B6
North East Arrow With HookAlt + 10532Option + 2924
North West Double ArrowAlt + 8662Option + 21D6
North West White ArrowAlt + 11009Option + 2B01
North West Black ArrowAlt + 11017Option + 2B09
North West Arrow With HookAlt + 10531Option + 2923
North West Arrow To Long BarAlt + 8632Option + 21B8
North West Arrow To CornerAlt + 8689Option + 21F1
South West Double ArrowAlt + 8665Option + 21D9
South West White ArrowAlt + 11011Option + 2B03
South West Black ArrowAlt + 11019Option + 2B0B
South West Arrow With HookAlt + 10534Option + 2926
Arrow Pointing Downwards Then Curving LeftwardsAlt + 10550Option + 2936
Left-Side Arc Anticlockwise ArrowAlt + 10553Option + 2939
North West And South East ArrowAlt + 10529Option + 2921
North East And South West ArrowAlt + 10530Option + 2922
Right-Side Arc Clockwise ArrowAlt + 10552Option + 2938
Downwards Arrow With Corner LeftwardsAlt + 8629Option + 21B5
Downwards Arrow With Tip LeftwardsAlt + 8626Option + 21B2
Downwards Arrow With Tip RightwardsAlt + 8627Option + 21B3
Upwards Arrow With Tip LeftwardsAlt + 8624Option + 21B0
Upwards Arrow With Tip RightwardsAlt + 8625Option + 21B1
Rightwards Arrow With Corner DownwardsAlt + 8628Option + 21B4
Anticlockwise Top Semicircle ArrowAlt + 8630Option + 21B6
Clockwise Top Semicircle ArrowAlt + 8631Option + 21B7
Anticlockwise Open Circle ArrowAlt + 8634Option + 21BA
Anticlockwise Gapped Circle ArrowAlt + 10226Option + 27F2
Anticlockwise Closed Circle ArrowAlt + 10560Option + 2940
Clockwise Open Circle ArrowAlt + 8635Option + 21BB
Clockwise Gapped Circle ArrowAlt + 10227Option + 27F3
Lower Right Semicircular Clockwise ArrowAlt + 10558Option + 293E
⤿Lower Left Semicircular Anticlockwise ArrowAlt + 10559Option + 293F
Top Arc Anticlockwise ArrowAlt + 10554Option + 293A
Bottom Arc Anticlockwise ArrowAlt + 10555Option + 293B
Top Arc Clockwise Arrow With MinusAlt + 10556Option + 293C
Top Arc Anticlockwise Arrow With PlusAlt + 10557Option + 293D
Leftwards Arrow With Plus BelowAlt + 10566Option + 2946
Rightwards Arrow With Plus BelowAlt + 10565Option + 2945
Clockwise Closed Circle ArrowAlt + 10561Option + 2941
North West Arrow And North East ArrowAlt + 10535Option + 2927
North East Arrow And South East ArrowAlt + 10536Option + 2928
South East Arrow And South West ArrowAlt + 10537Option + 2929
South West Arrow And North West ArrowAlt + 10538Option + 292A
Rising Diagonal Crossing Falling DiagonalAlt + 10539Option + 292B
Falling Diagonal Crossing Rising DiagonalAlt + 10540Option + 292C
South East Arrow Crossing North East ArrowAlt + 10541Option + 292D
North East Arrow Crossing South East ArrowAlt + 10542Option + 292E
Falling Diagonal Crossing North East ArrowAlt + 10543Option + 292F
Rising Diagonal Crossing South East ArrowAlt + 10544Option + 2930
North East Arrow Crossing North West ArrowAlt + 10545Option + 2931
North West Arrow Crossing North East ArrowAlt + 10546Option + 2932
Less-Than Above Leftwards ArrowAlt + 10614Option + 2976
Leftwards Arrow Through Less-ThanAlt + 10615Option + 2977
Greater-Than Above Rightwards ArrowAlt + 10616Option + 2978
Leftwards Arrow Through SubsetAlt + 10618Option + 297A
Right Double Arrow With Rounded HeadAlt + 10608Option + 2970
Subset Above Rightwards ArrowAlt + 10617Option + 2979
Superset Above Leftwards ArrowAlt + 10619Option + 297B
Left Fish TailAlt + 10620Option + 297C
Right Fish TailAlt + 10621Option + 297D
Up Fish TailAlt + 10622Option + 297E
⥿Down Fish TailAlt + 10623Option + 297F
Horizontal Line ExtensionAlt + 9135Option + 23AF
Vertical Line ExtensionAlt + 9168Option + 23D0
Double Headed ArrowAlt + 8596Option + 2194
Right Arrow EmojiAlt + 10145Option + 27A1
Curly LoopAlt + 10160Option + 27B0
Double Curly LoopAlt + 10175Option + 27BF
Right Arrow with Circle PlusAlt + 10228Option + 27F4
Left Arrow with Circle PlusAlt + 11058Option + 2B32
Long Left Squiggle ArrowAlt + 11059Option + 2B33
Up Arrow EmojiAlt + 11014Option + 2B06
Up Right Arrow EmojiAlt + 8599Option + 2197
Down Right Arrow EmojiAlt + 8600Option + 2198
Down Arrow EmojiAlt + 11015Option + 2B07
Down Left Arrow EmojiAlt + 8601Option + 2199
Left Arrow EmojiAlt + 11013Option + 2B05
Up Left Arrow EmojiAlt + 8598Option + 2196
Up Down Arrow EmojiAlt + 8597Option + 2195
Left Right Arrow EmojiAlt + 8596Option + 2194
Right Arrow Curving Left EmojiAlt + 8617Option + 21A9
Left Arrow Curving Right EmojiAlt + 8618Option + 21AA
Right Arrow Curving Up EmojiAlt + 10548Option + 2934
Right Arrow Curving Down EmojiAlt + 10549Option + 2935

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