
Sunday, November 21, 2010

Div Overlays

A Div overlay is being used on is page:

Eos ea eros paulo dolore. Commune recusabo ad mei, sea justo soleat scaevola ex. Te impetus scripserit theophrastus sed. At mel nostro cotidieque, cum et exerci aliquando. Eos ex nemore officiis moderatius, te quo natum nusquam reprehendunt. Duo et consul semper, probo animal has ne.

Pertinax tractatos repudiandae mei ei, et conceptam constituto nec. Veritus alienum pertinax mei cu. Assum iudico albucius eu sit. At mea fugit vulputate, vix legimus tibique corpora ut. Te usu debet expetendis, id falli consectetuer vim. Alia sonet eloquentiam sea ex, sed te illum corpora ancillae, id pro suavitate ullamcorper.

This is a div overlay
Thanks to creating overlay divs

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Modal Windows

Modal Windows a modal window is a child window that requires users to interact with it before they can return to operating the parent application 1. Jquery provides modal windows as does ModalPopup

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Moving Columns in MySQL

Move a column after some other column

mysql> ALTER TABLE mytable MODIFY COLUMN mycolumn INT AFTER someothercolumn;

Move a column to the first position

mysql> ALTER TABLE mytable MODIFY COLUMN mycolumn INT FIRST;

Thanks to Masao Kitamura

SVG: Two arrows with text on the ends

Example of Two arrows with text at the head of the arrow: Arrow with Text SVG Using Markers and Text tags In this tutoria...